Monday, September 30, 2019

Sports and Drugs

Consider if steroids were legal, how much more exciting sports would be and t would be fair to everyone. Why: As an athlete and competing in a high level sport, I easily understand athletes and their reasons for doping in sports. At a high level you’re always striving to be the best you can be ad better than your opponents to win. Also, as a candidate for the Provincial and National Team for Canada I have experience in knowing what you need to know and expect while participating in these events.At a camp for team Canada, WADA showed up unexpectedly and took one of the girls’ urine test. So really this is why the topic of doping in sports caught my attention to is because I can relate to it and I’m interested in learning more about it. Why Illegal: it gives you an unnatural advantage against your opponent. Drugs or blood transfusions can provide a 5 or 10 percent advantage (Thomas Murray, Hasting report). Doping up your body and eliminating the concept of fair pla y is different from exceeding to your best abilities natural and being competitive.When participating in sports, it builds character to be determined, honest, and cooperative, but when an athlete pumps illegal performance enhancing drugs into their system it shows true character on what they would do just to win. It has a big effect on the athlete altogether. Doping also effects the psychological aspect of your morals and becoming a criminal by being dishonest and putting illegal substances in your body, it can be mentally damaging. Not only mentally damaging but doping messes up your body, the natural growth and development of it from unnatural drugs is something all athletes should be concerned about.Sacrificing your body to win isn’t a right way to compete. Most likely sport: From Peter Sullvan: The first overall highest percentage(3. 6) of positive illegal drug tests is cycling, in the 2006 tour de France( Including Floyd Landis in first) the top 5 placed athletes were al l guilty of drug use. Along with Lance Armstrong admitting to doping after winning 7 tour de France titles. Floyd Landis describes cycling as â€Å"Professional cycling is organized crime. † Coming in second not too far behind cycling is Weightlifting with a 3% average of positive testing.Seeing how these athletes need to lift mass amounts of weight, its almost predicted that this sport is top 5 for positive doping statistics. Turkey and Russia are common countries who’s athletes are accused of steroids. Thirdly, Boxing is a candidate for doping in sports with a 2. 9% average. A case in 2007 was where an anti- aging agency was distributing steroids to famous boxers such at Even Fields. Boxing requires strength and stamina and some feel the need to enhance their training with steroids to just be stronger than their opponents. Coming after boxing in fourth, is Triathlon.Athletes involved in this race are super humans, in perspective of many people. To run, swim and bike with out stopping is impressive and takes mass amounts of mental and physical strength. Lastly, Baseball makes top 5 sports in doping with a 2. 5% average in positive testing. Even though this sport isn’t in the Olympics, Major League Baseball players have been known for steroid use in the past of 1999 and early 2000’s, as well this past year 20 players got suspended for steroid use. Types: EPO (Erythropoietin): This is a method of an increase of blood oxygen.Erythropoietin is a natural hormone found in the human body. It revitalizes blood cells to have more oxygen, which then increases anaerobic activity. (Kelland, 2012). CERA(Continuous Erythropoiesis Receptor Activator): This is another form of EPO. It increases your blood oxygen level without having to inject yourself as often. Anabolic Steroids: This is a fake replacement of testosterone to help the body utilize protein allowing the athlete to train with more intensity, along with building muscle mass and strength easier. Another aspect is that it acts as an anti- inflammatory to recovery quickly.  (Kelland, 2012)Diuretics: A substance that can mask illegal substances so they wont be detected. Side effects of weight loss. (Kelland, 2012) Blood Doping: Methods of substances to enhance red blood cell mass, to move more oxygen to muscles which increases stamina. 2 types; Autologous is where you use your own blood from being put aside until needed. Homologous is where you take someone else’s blood that’s the same as yours. (Kelland, 2012) Insulin: This enhances glucose in take that helps increase endurance levels by making the storage of muscle glycogen bigger for the athlete.If not used properly it can lead to low blood sugar which leads to unconsciousness and seizures. (Kelland, 2012) Gender? : Which gender is most likely to dope in sports? Well males are a dominant factor for doping. They are much more likely to dope in sports by using steroids. Steroids effect women in a much more negative effect then it does to men. For women, steroids have side effects such as growing hair in unwanted places, clitoral enlargement, and deepening of the voice.T’s easy to tell when a women is taking steroids because of the testosterone over load in their body and manly features. Their physical, behavioural and functional part of the women’s body are out of natural sync as well. Why would women want to take steroids in the first place? other than getting very strong? Women want equality and by taking steroids they can feel equally strong as men in the same playing field. Who’s in charge? the name is WADA (World Agency of Anti Doping). This organization keeps it fair throughout sports.The Olympic committee wanted an agency like this for all countries to follow to specialize on key activities include scientific research, education, development of anti-doping capacities, and monitoring of the World Anti Doping Code and it was quite a success. A cool fact is that WADA’s headquarters is right in Canada, Montreal. Their objective is to have a doping free sporting environment. Consequences: As an Olympic athlete it is important to keep your body clean of illegal substances. Why? Some of the consequences are quite serious.If caught by WADA (The World Agency of Anti Doping) before the Olympics, he/she is suspended for 6 months or longer. (Freedman, 2012) If an athlete has cheated during an event, and won, their medal is taken from them and the results are re-evaluated. Conclusion: In conclusion doping in sports is a serious social issue that shouldn’t be taken lightly. Doping shouldn’t be seen as a way to make an athlete feel better. Not only are they cheating themselves, but they are unfair to their opponents and should take into consideration what mental and physical harm they are really doing to their bodies.WADA is a great service to help deal with keeping sports all around the world fair by testing athletes for performance enhancing substances in their bodies. As an athlete myself I choose to really look into this topic because I’ve dealt with WADA myself. If you are an athlete, beware of what you put into your body. Its important to train to your full potential without being artificially enhanced with chemicals. The natural way is the way to go! Most important thing learned was how harmful steroids can be to your body and mind. Always important to stay true to yourself and not cheat. Be the best you can be

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Dress Code in School Should Be Applied

School dress code has always been a controversial topic in the United States mainly because of American culture. Many school dress codes or uniforms have come from England. Uniforms in public school reduce economic and social barriers between students, encourage discipline and affect positive attitude by increasing self-confidence, school pride, and a sense of belonging, and create a safe environment in the schools. In the 1960s United States began adopting school uniforms in public schools but even now it is controversial whether or not they should be implemented throughout the country. The idea of uniforms came from England where their purpose was to encourage docility and obedience toward authority. However, England and United States used the uniforms to distinguish the lower class from the elite parochial schools. Even though the public schools did not start to look at uniforms until the 1960s, private and Catholic schools had uniform policies which were question for much of the first half of the twentieth century (David L. Brunsma, 2004). In 1960, people protested against school uniforms implemented by Catholic and private schools. The protests were based on different concerns, such as: 1) Uniforms became an invasion of parents’ rights; 2) the inherent statement that uniforms make of conformity and similarity was being questioned; 3) At that time, the school uniforms were expensive for poorer families; and 4) children will eventually find out social class boundaries, etc. (Brunsma, 2004). Uniforms take away from visible difference between student socioeconomics and removes pressure to dress a certain way. Students can then focus more on their schoolwork and less on what their peers are wearing. In the book Rights of Student the author states, â€Å"Some students may feel ostracized because they cannot afford the latest fashions that are popular among their classmates† (Hudson and Marzilli, 2004). Former president Bill Clinton encouraged the idea of school uniform in his 1996 State of the Union address. He said, â€Å"If it means that teenagers will stop killing each other over designer jackets, then our public school should be allowed to require the students to wear school uniforms† (Hudson and Marzilli, 2004). Clinton also stated: â€Å"If it means that the schoolrooms will be more orderly, more disciplined, and that our young people will learn to evaluate themselves by what they are on the inside instead of what they're wearing on the outside, then our public schools should be able to require their students to wear school uniforms†(Hudson and Marzilli, 2004). Uniforms are not only used to avoid socioeconomic difference and remove peer pressure to dress a certain way, but also used to increase safety in public schools. Schools in United States had to implement dress code regulation to provide and improve a safe environment for student and faculty. After the Columbine shooting, schools’ safety awareness brought attention to dress codes in schools. Schools began implementing uniforms that prevented students from wearing gang-related apparel like trench coats and baggy pants, which enable students to hide weapons easily. Teachers and principals of students wearing uniforms can quickly see if there are non-students present in the building depending on the colors of the uniforms. School personnel can quickly notice a person that is a non-student on school grounds, preventing a trespasser who might cause harm at the school. One can agree with Jamuna’s viewpoint in the book Students’ Rights when he said, â€Å"Of all the potential benefits of school dress policies, none is more important than improving school safety† (Jamuna, 2005). Another aspect is how student dress affects attitudes in school and throughout adult years. Uniforms encourage discipline, sense of belonging and school pride, which can facilitate later on in life in the work place or even in their personal lives. Some students and parents object to dress codes. However, the majority of school administrators recognize that well-drafted student dress codes help provide a better learning environment. Students need to learn how to dress for success. (Hudson and Marzilli, 2004) A person must have the appropriate attire to dress for a job interview. Should the school be no different ? In the United States, schools and parents have disagreed over school uniforms. Some believe they violate or restrict a student’s right to freedom of expression. There have been cases where the students have taken legal action against schools and won. The most popular is Tinver v. Des Moines Independent Community School Districts, where the school implemented a dress code policy that armbands could not be used in the school (Raskin, 2003). Tinver’s and a group of adults and students’ purpose were to publicize their objection to the hostilities in Vietnam. â€Å"Petitioners John F. Tinver, 15 years old, and Christopher Eckhardt, 16 years old, attended high school in Des Moines, Iowa. Petitioner Mary Beth Tinver, John’s sister, was a 13 year-old-student in Junior high school† (Raskin, 2003). However, the first Amendment protects freedom of verbal speech and uniforms does not qualify as express conduct because contains no particular message. In the book Rights of Student who’s Arthurs are Hudson and Marzilli states, â€Å"Restrictions on students dress are not designed to suppress free expressions; rather, they are a way to improve the educational environment† (Hudson and Marzilli, 2004). Opponents also believe school uniforms inhibit student’s individuality. Teenagers express their feelings by the garments they wear. Uniforms take away this form of expression. Why should school districts try to make everyone look the same? For United States students, wearing uniforms may be viewed as too formal in a casual school atmosphere and too limiting of individuality. Parents may perceive that uniforms are less expensive than what would ordinarily be worn every day (Brunsma, 2006). School uniforms can be adopted from childhood onward, but adolescence is a time when uniforms may be adopted in the United States (Kim, DeLong, and LaBat, 2001). The third reason opponents disagree is that they believe uniforms inhibit a student’s freedom of choice. The United States focuses on teaching freedom of choice, therefore opponents feel there is no ethos in teaching when uniform are implemented. In website called Children’s School Uniforms, Pros and Cons, Dorit Sasson says, â€Å"A School uniform is an issue which has caused a lot of debate in the last few years. Many students feel they lose their identity when everyone is required to wear the same clothes to school† (Sasson, 2007). However, there has been a survey that shows students support school uniforms. In the article Sasson also says, â€Å"Some English students have recently come out in support of school uniforms. According to a survey of 1,300 teens, 67% of the boys and 52% of the girls prefer wearing uniforms to school† (Sasson, 2007). The author of Students’ Rights supports the idea and says, â€Å"Though the majority of public schools do not require uniforms, the feedback is very positive from those who do† (Jamuna, 2005). In conclusion, dress codes should be applied in all public schools for the following potential benefits. First they reduce economic and social barriers between students. Secondly, they are essential to the school environment by promoting school safety, encouraging discipline and boosting positive attitudes. Though opponents believe school uniforms violate or restricts a student’s right to freedom of expression, inhibit student’s individuality and student freedom of choice, the fact remains that as Hudson and Marzilli state, â€Å"School should be more about discipline than fashion. School uniforms help decrease tensions in school, reduce socioeconomic differences, improve safety, and remove distractions. †

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Allied Powers Between The Conferences Yalta And Potsdam

Allied Powers Between The Conferences Yalta And Potsdam When the allies met in Yalta, in February 1945, the war was still ongoing. There were obvious signs that the German forces were weakening, yet fighting continued. As a result, when the Allies met in Yalta, defeating Germany was still in the fore front of their minds.1They had put aside their fundamental differences and were united in the face of a universal foe. Yet even here the cracks were beginning to show. By the time of the Potsdam conference in August of the same year, these cracks had enlarged due to a number of significant factors. Firstly, it is important to focus on what happened at the conference in Yalta. Each of the allies had high expectations of what would happen after the war ended. Russia was obsessed with the idea of reparation payments, whereas America preferred a tactic of rehabilitation rather than total destruction. As there is still a war going on, America does not step in when Russia demands that $20 billion reparation payments should be given by Germany, and half of this huge sum should be paid to Russia.2 Roosevelt actually agrees in principle, and consequently Stalin leaves, believing he has what he wants. Other big decisions such as post war arrangements for Germany were left off the agenda at this conference, as they were believed to be too significant and important to be discussed at a time when the war was ongoing.3 Postponing major decisions seemed a sensible idea at the time; however, this would prove to be a costly misjudgement later. By the time the Allies met again at the Potsdam conference, in August of the same year, many significant changes had taken place. The most major change was that the war had ended, and this altered the mindset of the allies greatly. The allies had sustained huge losses and the effect this had can be seen clearly in the measures they took after the war. Russia alone had lost 8.7 million men and women in combat and a further 18 million civilians. In real terms, this showed that Russia had sustained the most casualties and in fact, to every one American that died, ninety Soviets lost their lives.4 Consequently, all three countries were seeking maximum security, to strengthen their position and prevent another war of this magnitude occurring again. America, for example, started to set up bases in the Atlantic Ocean so they would have complete control of who entered the country.5 This clearly shows how serious the idea of security was taken by the strongest of the allied powers. These fears of security made the allies suspicious of one another, and America recognised that now Germany was defeated, the next threat to American security came from much nearer to home in the form of Russia. Russia had given America cause to think this, as their position had strengthened even from the short time between the Yalta and Potsdam conference. Russia was in a powerful position at the end of the war, despite suffering huge losses. The Red army liberated Berlin on the 24th April 1945, after two weeks of the bloodiest fighting witnessed in world war two.6 As a result of the Allies indecisiveness in Yalta, no agreement had been drawn up as to what would be done with Germany straight after the war. So, Russia stripped German factories and rounded up workers to help rebuild their damaged country, and this angered the Western allies. Furthermore, immediately after Yalta, Russia began the sovietisation of the areas it occupied, and did this without any consideration to the policies of the allies in the west.7 The Communist influence was expanding further. Another bone of contention with the allies was the size of the Russian army. Western allies argued that Russia did not need such a large army now the threat from Germany was over.8 They believed that Russia could function with a smaller army which could be use for defence. This shows early fears from America that Russia were a threat to their security, and that the US had identified Russia as a potential enemy.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Depression and Care for the Elderly Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Depression and Care for the Elderly - Essay Example It is possible to have depression rated as higher because of the similarity of some of the symptoms between depression and dementia. Geriatric psychiatric studies have shown a relationship between prefrontal cortex function and successful treatment of geriatric depression1. Geriatric patients who had a positive result during depression screening were studied to determine the pharmacological impact on their recovery. 110 depressed geriatric patients (over age 60) were treated with medication after an assessment that tested the pre-frontal cortex function (to establish a baseline). After three months the study group was reevaluated and a correlation between higher pre-frontal cortex function and depression remission levels was made2. The study showed that depression in the elderly can be diagnosed and successfully treated. The study also showed a relationship between prefrontal cortex function and depression and may indicate a secondary way to identify depression in the elderly (especi ally non-verbal patients). Detecting depression in the elderly is no easy task because of the reluctance to self-report. In addition to the standard characteristics of depression (ie. insomnia, sadness, and loss of self worth), elderly patients may show signs of over concern about bodily aches and pains. Some symptoms of old age (loss of appetite and weight loss) are also symptoms of depression. Obviously, if one is diagnosed with depression and the treatment (medications and/or talk therapy) works, that would confirm the diagnosis. Appendix A contains a typical screening for depression in the elderly. Elderly that suffer from depression often don't take good care of themselves. As their self-care drops so does their compliance level when it comes to medication and diet. This group reports as having a higher incidence of suicide and suicidal ideation than the general population. Studies have shown that suicides in the elderly often use highly lethal methods and are successful more often than in the general population3. This same study found that 20% of elderly patients that committed suicide had seen their health care provider within the 24 hours prior to the suicide, 41% within a week, 75% within one month. This indicates that geriatric practitioners should screen for depression and suicidal ideation at each patient visit rather than a random screen or no screen at all. There is a higher incidence of depression among elderly that are caring for an elderly spouse4. These caregivers often feel older than their age. "Caregivers for impaired spouses experience a kind of distress that isn't easily measured," Kiecolt-Glaser says5. The caregiver's in the study died at a higher rate than other seniors who were not caregivers. These caregivers would benefit from a screening program targeting those who provide ongoing care to their spouse. Teaching and learning strategies need to be in place to deal with depression in the elderly. Both the elderly and their caretakers need to be informed about the causes and symptoms of depression and how to get appropriate care. They also need to understand that they need not feel stigmatized by the diagnosis. Once depression is diagnosed, treatment and education should begin. Because depression lasts longer in the elderly and can hasten death from an existing illness, treatment needs to begin as soon

Thursday, September 26, 2019

What does Jacks mask represent, and what does it show the reader about Essay

What does Jacks mask represent, and what does it show the reader about how Jack is changing - Essay Example His mark made him look like a barbarous creature as compared to his previous appearance of a civilized boy. With his mask, he considered himself a stranger and he wanted to hide behind his mask and do all the barbarous tasks. Jack masked keenly and others followed blindly. After masking his face, he started dancing and laughing with a â€Å"bloodthirsty snarling† that indicates towards the change that appeared in him. The mask hid his real personality of a civilized boy and turned him into a savage, who was ready to hunt, kill and hurt without any mercy. When he was masked, he had to take care of nothing because nobody was going to recognize him. He was hidden behind his mask. His mask compelled him to do the wrong and injurious. He was no more in the bounds of civilization. He was not Jack but someone else and could do anything he liked in his new position without blaming Jack. After masking his face, Jack became more violent. A ship arrived but there was no fire to indicate that the island has some civilized residents. Jack was involved in narrating his bravery story before the boys and he was not at all interested in the ship that has arrived and left them. He covered his face with mask and was a newly barbarous creature and he was not interested to return back to civilization. Jack did all the barbarous actions such as he hunted a pig mercilessly with a masked face and he â€Å"smudged blood over his forehead†. â€Å"Painted faces and Long hair† that is the title of chapter 4 indicates that the boys entered barbarism by masking their identities. Painted faces depict barbarians and it is also a war symbol. The barbarians paint themselves to hide themselves from their enemies or during a fight. Jack by covering his face with paints has converted himself from a civilized person to a savage, a brute who does not care about anyone and acts according to his own instincts. His attitude towards Piggy

Leap motion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Leap motion - Essay Example Before developing Leap Motion, Holz and Buckwald first developed a small device that resembled an iPod with an end that can be plugged into the USB port of a computer and enhance motion detection so that â€Å"the exact movements of individual fingers and rotations of the wrist can be accurately detected and processed with no latency† (Spiegelmock 2013). Leap Motion itself is 80mm long and 12.7mm wide and connects to the computer or Mac allowing a person to interact with the computer via simple hand movements. In other words, Leap Motion is a sensor that identifies each of an individual’s movement and changes them into a specific action. â€Å"Leap Motion constitutes of two LEDs and three infrared cameras that analyze al the movements of the hand† (Design, User Experience, and Usability, User Experience Design for Diverse Interaction Platforms and Environments 2012). In analyzing the movement of the hand, the device covers a radius of 1 meter. Its accuracy is also very high; it is 1/100th. Leap Motion has the potential to detect fingers, hands as well as pencils by coming up with a 3D environment. Although it works like a mouse, Leap Motion does not in any way aim at replacing the keyboard and the mouse. It is an additional tool aimed to improve the user experience as well as interaction with the computer. The use of Leap Motion in any computer calls for some things. It detects on the type of the operator system that a computer should have. For instance, the device works best and only in the computers installed with Windows 7, 8 or Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard. The hardware of the computer also plays a very significant role. â€Å"Leap Motion only works in computers with either AMD Phenom (tm) II or Intel  ®core (TM) i3, i5, i7 processor, and with a 2GB of RAM† (Spiegelmock 2013). Additionally, the computer needs to have an internet connection in addition to a

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Traditional And Citizen-Based Forms Of Journalism Essay

Traditional And Citizen-Based Forms Of Journalism - Essay Example The professional media draw their organizational authority and charge from their production of their work within the journalism norms. This means that traditional journalism entails professionally paid staff, officially recognized by the press (Reese et al., 2007). Such members of staff are trained and proficient in the journalistic dexterity and often have formal or ceremonial training. Advertising and subscriber support provides traditional journalism with the means to extensively distribute their listed product such as news, shows, and events. On the contrary, citizen journalism has its emergence from individuals and citizenry interest factions seeking to articulate thoughts or position within the civic discourse. Participants in the citizen journalism need not hold traditional journalistic code as a prerequisite for participation. By designation, these citizenry media command less financial feasibility and may be based on a subsidy, non-profit, or no revenue model at all (Reese e t al., 2007). Contributors only require motivation and willingness to have a word with the public. Unlike traditional journalism, citizen journalism creates lively and interactive conversations on personal sites, NGO) websites, chain emails, social media platforms, and message boards. Apparently, as shown above, the two models of journalism though having the same objective- informing the public of trends and news, they have distinct structures and approaches in operations for efficient service delivery.  

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Commercial law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 3

Commercial law - Essay Example Lord Atkin asserted that a manufacturer owed a legal duty of care to the ultimate consumer of his product. In discussing duty of care as a legal concept, Lord Atkin established the â€Å"neighbour† principle. Furthermore, in the case of in the Bolton v Stone2 the House of Lords held that whilst foreseeability was relevant to the issue of whether as duty of care exists, once established the issue of breach was ultimately dependant on the reasonableness of the defendant’s actions. In order for a manufacturer to be liable in negligence there has to be proximity and the case of Anns v Merton London Borough3 asserted that the proximity test relies on a consideration of the nature of the relationship between the parties. Once duty of care has been established, a claimant has to establish that the manufacturer’s breach of duty caused actionable damage. The standard of care imposed by law in order to determine a breach of duty is objective and that of â€Å"the reasonable and prudent man4†. The degree of care to be expected is founded on considering what a reasonable man, careful for the safety of his neighbour would do and requires a consideration of the degree of the likelihood of harm occurring, the cost and practicability of measures needed to avoid it and the seriousness of the consequences5. The preliminary test for determining causation is the â€Å"but-for† test and whether the claimant would not have suffered the damage â€Å"but-for† B’s negligence6. Moreover, the Wagon Mound No.17 decision asserted that a defendant is only liable to pay damages if the damage was reasonably foreseeable and not too remote. The primary legislative measures pertaining to manufacturer liability are governed by the Trade Practices Act 1974 as amended (TPA), which implies certain rights and warranties into commercial contracts and consumer sales agreements. The TPA

Monday, September 23, 2019

Teenage Drinking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Teenage Drinking - Essay Example One argument for teenage drinking is based on the fact that at the age of 18 individuals are already legal adults and can marry or get married, have a say in elections through voting, adopt children, drive vehicles, procure abortions, serve on juries, fly airplanes, hold important public offices, serve imprisonment and even capital punishment and sue or be sued in court, yet they cannot drink until they are 21 years old. This can only be termed as hypocrisy especially considering that one acquires a driving license at 16 years and can be entrusted with a gun for hunting at the tender age of 12 years while they cannot be entrusted with drinking (Hanson). There is also the view that prohibition of teenage drinking in public places has resulted in teenagers hiding and drinking in unsupervised places and maximizing such opportunities through binge drinking which has far serious health effects. Lowering the drinking age may have the effect of removing the taboo tag on alcohol and thus rem ove the thrill that drives teenagers towards alcohol and breaking the law. This will result in reduced binge drinking and moderate teenage alcohol consumption (ProCon). Bryson weighs in on the debate with the view that at the age of 18 one can not only represent the country in war but also work at a beer/wine/liquor distillery besides owning a bar among numerous other adult rights and freedoms such as paying taxes, act and access pornography, engage in commercial sex activities in some states, sign legal contracts and run for most political offices while being forbidden to drink. This is tantamount to treating the adults of 18-20 years as second class citizens. Besides all these, the drinking restriction has not served its purpose as evidenced by the amount of unstoppable drinking occurring at college level. Studies also indicate that there are no significant differences in harm caused by alcohol between an 18 year old and a 21 year old. Arguments against Teenage Drinking: Alcohol d rinking has been shown to have serious medical complications in teenagers especially when they engage in binge drinking. These include brain damage which is a consequence of the neurotoxicity of consumption of large amounts of alcohol and fears are that such brain damage may be irreversible. Comparative studies indicate that drinking teenagers have impaired memory and limited cognitive skills as compared to non-drinking ones. Teenager’s brain is not structurally fully developed hence teenagers are at higher risks of damage in comparison to adult brains (IAS 3; CADCA 1; Trudeau). Johnson (2) identifies alcohol as a major contributor to juvenile delinquency stating that such teenagers are more likely to bear guns and other weaponry, damage property, commit rape and assault among other violent conduct and illegal acts. A closely related consequence of teenage drinking is engaging in abuse of other drugs including drugs such as marijuana, inhalants, cocaine and smoking (CDC Facts heet; Hitti). Such drugs not only create problems with the law but also health and mental problems alongside drop in performance in schools. This is a scenario which results in cross-over youths which referring to youths causing concerns across multiple systems such as counseling, juvenile criminal justice, education and health.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

How Homework can Help with Your Academic Success Essay Example for Free

How Homework can Help with Your Academic Success Essay Homework is an important part of the academic curriculum and it also plays a major role in ensuring academic success for the students. Let us talk at length about how homework can help in bringing about academic success. Homework primarily helps in building five skills which assist in attaining academic success. Those skills are as follows: Organization: Being organised is an essential ingredient in the recipe of academic success. One has to be meticulous in planning a study routine to ensure that all topics of all subjects are paid equal attention. Also, enough time for practice should be baked in the routine. It is this aspect that homework helps with and gives enough opportunity to a student to practice his/her lessons, which then paves the way of gaining mastery over a topic or subject. In addition keeping track of one’s homework makes a student more organized. Time management: Optimum utilization of time is the key to success in the field of academics. Often at times, one feels flustered and overwhelmed with the vast study syllabus or curriculum. Therefore, dividing one’s time efficiently and as per one’s strength and weakness is a matter of great importance. Homework provides the student with an opportunity to manage time. While doing the homework of a subject which is one’s weak area, he is devoting more time to that subject, which will help him in understanding the concepts better, thereby saving the student’s time as he need not revisit this subject again and can spend the rest of his time in doing other activities or can devote to other subjects. In addition, learning to plan his work well in order to submit the assignment or homework on time will help him/her build time management skills. Prioritization: The skill of being able to prioritize one’s task does not only help with academic success, but is a skill which will come handy throughout your life. If a student is confronted with multiple assignments or homework in multiple subjects, he/she needs to prioritize it based on some factors like submission date, the complexity level of the work, his/her proficiency level with the subject etc. While doing so, they will learn to identify elements based on the urgency and importance levels. Concentration: Undivided attention and wholehearted commitment to one’s study time are per-requisites for academic success. While doing one’s homework with complete focus, a student has to ensure that he is cut off from any kinds of distractions or interruptions and should devote all his stamina and attention in completing the homework effectively. Such single minded focus on completing one’s homework helps a student build his concentration, which proves to be very useful while studying during the time of the assessments or exams. Motivation: A student has to believe in self and has to remain motivated all the time to be successful in academics. Self-confidence is of prime importance for academic success and it can be built and retained only if an individual is motivated to achieve success. If one does his/her homework successfully and wins accolades for the same back in school, then he/she will be motivated to do well consistently, as nothing attracts success more than success itself. To summarize, if homework is done with seriousness and sincerity, then it can prove to be a very useful tool in achieving academic success.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Computer Data Storage Computer Science Essay

The Computer Data Storage Computer Science Essay Computer data storage provides one of the core functions of the modern computer, that of information retention. It is one of the fundamental components of all modern computers, and coupled with a central processing unit (CPU, a processor), implements the basic computer model used since the 1940s'[2].Physical memory is a general term that refers to the media data cache on your computer. Being processed for each program and data by the processor will be stored in physical memory. Data is stored in physical memory is temporary, because it will store the data stored in it on a computer that does not continue to flow through the power in other words, the computer is still alive. When you are re-set the computer on or off, will be the loss of data stored in physical memory. So, before you shut down your computer, do not store all data in the mass permanent storage usually tend to be permanent and the media-based disk storage, such as hard disk or floppy disk. There are some types of comput er memory which is Random Access Memory (RAM), Read Only Memory (ROM), Virtual memory, Cache Memory and Flash Memory MAIN BODY Random Access Memory (RAM) consists of a set of chips. Chip-chip is able to accommodate the data to be processed, or program instructions, to process data which has been processed and waiting to be sent to output devices, secondary storage or communication also device. Operating system that controls the basic functions of the system data and instructions had accommodated in RAM is temporary. The contents of RAM can vary according to the processed data in it, or even use the program. RAM is the computer resources of its reusable or can be used of RAM referred to as the volatile products. This means that if the power is disconnected from the computer and the computer dead, then all content that is in RAM will be lost permanently. Because RAM is temporary and volatile, then the other storage media to create a permanent nature. This is commonly referred to as secondary storage. Secondary storage is durable and not too volatile, this means all data or programs stored in it can still exist even if the power or the power is turned off. Some examples of this such as secondary storage are magnetic tape, hard drives, magnetic disks and optical storage disk.Capacity of RAM is very diverse in different computers. Capacity is an important factor, because it determines how much data can be processed in the same time and how large and complex programs that can store. Computer operating system in charge of regulating the use of RAM so that programs can work well. To understand the capacity of the RAM, then some of the following terminology is often. Bit, which is a binary numbering system that represents the smallest unit of data in a computer system? A bit consists of only two digits are 1 and 0. In the computer, 0 means electronic or magnetic signals are absent or absent, while 1 means. Byte, which is a group of eight bits. A byte represents one character, a digit or a value. The capacity of computer memory, or RAM, specified in bytes or groups of bytes. Data, and program instructions stored in the RAM is actually stored in the bits that represent data, instruction and program earlier. Bits are stored in an electronic part called the microscopic capacitor. Read Only Memory (ROM) is a set of chips that contain part of the operating system which is needed when the computer starts up. ROM is also known as a firmware. ROM is not writable or changed its contents by the user. ROM classified in the media that are non-volatile storage. ROM chips come from the factory with programs or instructions that have been stored in it. The only way to replace its contents is removed from the computer and replace it with another ROM. ROM chip can contain frequently used programs, such as computational routines to calculate the root of a number of ROM and others. This example is for the storage of the BIOS (Basic Input-Output System) which by the manufacturer. BIOS are a very critical part of an operating system, which functions to tell the computer how I access the disk drives. When the computer is turned on, RAM is still empty and there are instructions in the ROM BIOS is used by the CPU to find the disk drive that contains the main files in the operatin g system. Computer and then transfer those files into RAM and then there are three variations of the ROM, i.e. PROM, or programmable read only memory. PROM chip is a chip that is empty in which the program can be written into it by using special equipment. PROM chips can be programmed once and usually used by the plant as a control device in the product. PROM or erasable programmable read only memory. EPROM similar to PROM, but the program can be removed and the new program could be written into it by using special equipment that uses ultraviolet light. EPROM is used for controlling devices, such as robots .EEPROM, or electronic erasable programmable read only memory. EEPROM chip can be reprogrammed using special electric impulses. Virtual memory is a data storage method in which part of the program or data stored in the magnetic disk and not in RAM, until such time as necessary. This will provide a kind of illusion that the RAM is its unlimited. Upshot simulates virtual memory itself as a RAM. He allows a computer to run more programs than ever before manipulate larger data and also runs a large program without fear of shortage of RAM. Virtual storage is slower than RAM and non-volatile nature. Cache memory is the storage of data or information, while the most frequently used or accessed by a computer. Cache memory located on the CPU or on a separate chip. CPU cache memory used to store instructions that are frequently used to run a program. Indirectly, this will improve overall system speed. There are two parts of the cache memory on a computer that is level 1 and level 2 caches is often with L1 and L2. L1 cache is on a built-in CPU and the L2 cache is located in a separate chip, and is located near the CPU. Some CPUs have a built-L1 and L2 and L3 are located on the outside. CPU which has a built-in cache memory much faster than the outside because it operates in tandem with microprosessor speed. Flash memory is non-volatile memory whose contents are maintained after power off. Flash memory can be read from and written to multiple times and more durable than floppy disks or compact disc. Flash memory devices used in various contributions to the stability, fast access, durability and clean energy power consumption. In addition to use as memory cards and thumb drives, flash memory is also used as a substitute for the hard-drive in the form of solid-state drive and hybrid. Flash memory to store and transfer files between computers and digital appliances. This is a form of EPROM electrically programmable read-can delete the memory-only. The types of flash memory are a compact flash (CF), Secure Digital (SD) media, memory sticks, multimedia cards, and xD-Picture cards. CONCLUSION The computers memory, often called memory only refers to any computer components, devices and recording media that retain digital data for a certain period of time. Computer data storage provides one of the main tasks of the modern computer, to store information. Memory is one of most important components in any computer system. Without Computer Memory, your computer system is useless and will only take up space in your desk. Computer Memory is a bridge between your permanent storage system disks, CDs, and the Processor. Hard drives are very slow when compared with a CPU processing time so Computer Memory is used to buffer data during time it is processed so bottlenecks are reduced.